Blog Articles

   Lifestyle Changes To Ease Back Pain

Lifestyle Changes To Ease Back Pain

Back pain is one of the leading causes of disability around the globe, but thankfully, there are lifestyle changes you can make to help ease your pain. Read on to learn more, plus how we can help when lifestyle changes alone aren't enough.
Jun 2nd, 2024

Can You Treat Persistent Sciatica Without Surgery?

Sciatica, the inflammation of the sciatic nerve, is notorious for causing lower back pain that can radiate through the buttocks and down the leg. If you're wondering if you can tame this pain sans surgery, you're not alone. Read on to learn more.
May 20th, 2024
How to Adapt Your Workouts With Knee Pain

How to Adapt Your Workouts With Knee Pain

Physical activity is vital for your mental and physical health, but knee pain may force you to change your normal workout. Here's how you can adapt your workout to still reap the benefits of exercise.
Apr 10th, 2024
3 Causes of One-Sided Neck Pain

3 Causes of One-Sided Neck Pain

Pinpointing the source of your neck pain is the first step in finding relief, but what’s causing your one-sided neck pain? Read on to find out three potential causes of one-sided neck pain and how to help.
Mar 15th, 2024
   Myths and Facts About Physical Therapy

Myths and Facts About Physical Therapy

Physical therapy refers to a group of therapies, exercises, and techniques that help address countless musculoskeletal issues, but many myths exist. Read on to see if you can sort fact from fiction.
Feb 7th, 2024
The Truth About Kegels

The Truth About Kegels

Kegels may be touted as the best way to strengthen your pelvic floor muscles, but are they right for you? Read on as we share the truth about Kegels, including when they work and when you might consider other treatments.
Jan 18th, 2024

Your Treatments for Tendinitis

Tendinitis, sometimes known as tennis elbow or jumper's knee, is a painful condition caused by tendon inflammation. While it's a painful condition, there are many things you can do to alleviate your symptoms. Let's take a look.
Dec 6th, 2023
What Most Women Don't Know About Vulvodynia

What Most Women Don't Know About Vulvodynia

Pelvic pain isn't an easy topic, and vulvodynia is even harder to discuss. For the women who have it, it can sabotage their quality of life. In the spirit of awareness and solitude, here are four facts most women don't know.
Nov 2nd, 2023
The Link Between Your Diet and Migraines

The Link Between Your Diet and Migraines

You've heard the saying, "You are what you eat," but did you know that what you eat also affects your migraines? Read on to explore the intricate link between your diet and migraines and how we can help.
Oct 1st, 2023
Tips for Office Workers to Avoid Back Pain

Tips for Office Workers to Avoid Back Pain

Does sitting at your desk hurt your back just thinking about it? Office workers aren't immune from work-related back pain, but these tips can help reduce your risk of back pain.
Sep 1st, 2023
Athlete? Here's Why You Shouldn't Play Through Knee Pain

Athlete? Here's Why You Shouldn't Play Through Knee Pain

From bursitis to torn ligaments, there are many reasons why your knee might hurt, and if you're tempted to play through the pain, resist the temptation. If you're an athlete, read on to learn why you shouldn't ignore pain.
Aug 1st, 2023
Exercise — Your Secret Weapon Against Chronic Pain

Exercise — Your Secret Weapon Against Chronic Pain

You might not feel like exercising when you have chronic pain, but believe it or not, exercise may be just what you need. Read on and find out how exercise can be a secret weapon against chronic pain.
Jul 13th, 2023
Alleviate Chronic Hip Pain Naturally with Physical Therapy

Alleviate Chronic Hip Pain Naturally with Physical Therapy

Chronic hip pain 一 whether it’s caused by arthritis, bursitis, or another hip injury 一 can take a toll on your quality of life. Physical therapy can be a solution to help alleviate pain. Read on to learn more about how physical therapy helps.
Jun 7th, 2023
4 Causes of Knee Pain You Should Never Ignore

4 Causes of Knee Pain You Should Never Ignore

Knee pain is a common complaint. Unfortunately, far too many people brush off the pain and power through the day. Yet, there are many reasons why you should never ignore knee pain. Here are four causes of knee pain you should never ignore.
Feb 17th, 2023
How Posture Affects the Muscles in Your Neck and Back

How Posture Affects the Muscles in Your Neck and Back

Did you know that posture isn’t just about how you look when you stand up? Posture 一 particularly bad posture 一 can affect your neck and back muscles. Read on to find out how posture affects your muscles and what you can do about it.
Jan 10th, 2023
Bad Habits That Are Making Your Back Pain Worse

Bad Habits That Are Making Your Back Pain Worse

Whether you realize it or not, many habits you pick up can either support your spine health or negatively impact it. Here, we share five bad habits that worsen back pain and how you can turn the tables on your bad habits.
Oct 11th, 2022
Lesser-Known Causes of Neck Pain

Lesser-Known Causes of Neck Pain

Nearly everyone has had a sore neck at some point. Just craning your neck to read can cause sore muscles, but what about those lesser-known causes of neck pain? Read on to explore other potential causes of neck pain.
Sep 7th, 2022
What Are the Most Common Spine Issues?

What Are the Most Common Spine Issues?

Spine issues are all-too-common, and unfortunately, they can contribute to chronic back and neck pain, reduced mobility, and limited functionality. In this blog, we explore a few of the most common spine issues and how we treat them.
Aug 7th, 2022
How to Manage Sacroiliac Joint Dysfunction

How to Manage Sacroiliac Joint Dysfunction

Sacroiliac joint dysfunction can contribute to pain in your lower back, hip, and buttocks. Not surprisingly, this condition can make it hard to sit, work, or even relax at home. Read on to learn tips for managing sacroiliac joint dysfunction.
Jun 1st, 2022
How to Prevent Common Running Injuries

How to Prevent Common Running Injuries

Running can be a great exercise to help you lose weight, support your mental wellness, and promote good cardiovascular health. Yet, it can also be a source of injury. In this article, we share our top tips for preventing injuries.
May 1st, 2022
Understanding Vulvodynia: Signs and Treatments

Understanding Vulvodynia: Signs and Treatments

Although it’s not often discussed, vulvodynia is a common source of pelvic pain that affects 14 million women. But how do you know if you’re one of those women? Read on to learn the signs and treatments for this condition.
Apr 5th, 2022
5 Important Facts About Tendinitis

5 Important Facts About Tendinitis

Whether you know it as a golfer's elbow or swimmer’s shoulder, tendinitis causes pain and inflammation. In this blog, we cover five important facts about tendonitis, including how it’s treated.
Mar 3rd, 2022
Signs You Have Sciatica

Signs You Have Sciatica

Back pain is one of the leading causes of missed workdays, and sciatica is just one of the many reasons back pain occurs. But how do you know your back pain is related to sciatica? Here are the four telltale signs you have sciatica.
Feb 1st, 2022
Recognizing the Different Stages of a Migraine

Recognizing the Different Stages of a Migraine

While migraines are notorious for causing throbbing headaches, a migraine attack progresses in four stages 一 and headache is just one of them. Read on to learn how to recognize each phase and why it matters.
Jan 6th, 2022
How Stem Cells Promote Healing

How Stem Cells Promote Healing

You might have heard about stem cells, but what are they and how do they promote healing? In this blog, we explain the special ability these cells have and how they encourage healing responses in your body.
Dec 8th, 2021
What is PRP and How Does it Help?

What is PRP and How Does it Help?

More and more people are turning to platelet-rich plasma (PRP) injections to support healing, but what exactly is PRP? Continue reading to learn more about this regenerate therapy and how it can help you.
Oct 8th, 2021
Is Radiofrequency Ablation Right for Me?

Is Radiofrequency Ablation Right for Me?

Are you exploring your options for treating chronic pain? Radiofrequency ablation is a minimally invasive procedure that reduces pain by blocking nerve signals, but is it right for you? Find out in this blog.
Sep 6th, 2021
2 Types of Spinal Stenosis

2 Types of Spinal Stenosis

There are many causes of neck and back pain, and spinal stenosis is one of them. Spinal stenosis is a narrowing of the spinal canal, which can cause pain. Read on to learn about the two types of spinal stenosis and how they’re treated.
Aug 12th, 2021

4 Telltale Signs of Knee Pain

Is your knee swollen, locked up, or noisy? You might be tempted to brush off knee popping or a swollen knee, but these could be signs of painful knee conditions. In this blog, we explore the four telltale signs of knee conditions that cause pain.
Jul 7th, 2021

Explore Spinal Cord Stimulation as a Solution for Your Back Pain

If conservative pain management options haven’t provided the back pain relief you need, what other options do you have? Our team offers spinal cord stimulation. If you’re ready to explore this drug-free pain management treatment, read more here.
Jun 17th, 2021

3 Causes of Hip Pain

Arthritis is a common cause of hip pain, but is it the cause of your pain? In this article, we explore three common causes of hip pain and which treatments are available at International Spine, Pain & Performance Center.
May 9th, 2021

Assessing Your Risks for Compression Fractures

Did you know that osteoporosis is the leading cause (but not the only one) of compression fractures? In this blog, we explore your risk factors for compression fractures as well as how they’re treated.
Apr 1st, 2021

How Nutrition Can Enhance Your Sports Performance

You’re practicing more, trying to make gains in your sport, but are you focused on your nutrition? Find out how your diet can improve your endurance and strength -- and how we can help you take your nutrition to the next level.
Mar 2nd, 2021

Which Fluoroscopically Guided Procedure Is Right for You?

Are moving x-rays real? Yes! Fluoroscopically-guided procedures provide real-time moving x-ray images. Fluoroscopically-guided procedures are useful in many fields, including orthopedics. Read to learn which of our procedures may be right for you.
Jan 1st, 2021

Understand Labral Tears

Your labrum is a ring of cartilage that stabilizes your hip joint. Like the cartilage in your knee or shoulder, it can tear. Read on to learn more about the causes, symptoms, and treatments for labral tears.
Dec 1st, 2020

8 Conditions That Improve With Physical Therapy

Is physical therapy right for you? Physical therapy can improve common sports injuries, but that’s not all PT can do. Keep reading to explore eight conditions that improve with physical therapy.
Nov 1st, 2020

Common Signs of a Concussion

Concussions are a type of traumatic brain injury, and unfortunately, they are a common sports injury. Keep reading to learn how to spot the signs of a concussion and how we can help you find relief.
Oct 1st, 2020

6 Treatments for Lasting Back Pain

If your back pain lingers for weeks, you might benefit from the guidance of a pain management specialist. We offer a variety of treatments for lasting back pain. Keep reading to find out which treatment might be right for you.
Sep 9th, 2020

Effective Treatments for Spondylolisthesis

If you’ve been diagnosed with spondylolisthesis, you probably experience a great deal of back pain. The good news is, spondylolisthesis can be treated with both conservative and surgical therapies. Keep reading for the most effective treatment options.
Aug 10th, 2020

What Can I Do About Bursitis Pain?

Is your knee or shoulder swollen and tender? There are many reasons why your joints might hurt, and bursitis is one of them. Keep reading to find out what bursitis is and how to treat it.
Jul 7th, 2020

Straighten Up With Kyphoplasty

Back pain keeping you from living your best life? Kyphoplasty might be the solution for you. Continue reading to learn more about this minimally-invasive procedure that'll help you stand tall once again.
Feb 1st, 2020

Spotting the Warning Signs of a Herniated Disc

Are you living with back pain? Does it radiate or tingle down your arms or legs? These are just a few signs of a herniated disc. Learn more about this common condition so you can find relief fast.
Jan 1st, 2020

Is Spinal Stenosis Causing Your Chronic Back Pain?

Does back pain make it hard to get out of bed each day, or to perform daily tasks with ease? If you’re getting older, spinal stenosis could be the cause of your chronic back pain. Learn about this condition and effective treatments to relieve pain.
Dec 1st, 2019

Don't Ignore Chronic Pelvic Pain

If you experience chronic pelvic pain, which is persistent pain below your belly button, you should speak to the doctors at International Spine Pain & Performance Center right away to find out the cause and get treatment.
Nov 1st, 2019

When Should You Consider Epidural Steroid Injections?

Epidurals aren’t just for women about to give birth - epidural steroid injections deliver a strong anti-inflammatory medication directly into your spine in order to combat back pain. Find out if you might be a candidate for it.
Oct 1st, 2019

Getting Active Again After an Injury

Getting injured can put a dent in your activities. If you’re in the process of recovering after an injury, learn more about how and when to re-enter the world of exercise, sports, and physical activity.
Sep 1st, 2019

I'm Over 50—Is Chronic Back Pain Normal?

Are you suffering from chronic pain and believe it's due to your age? Though age can make you more likely to develop some back conditions, there could be another cause for that pain. Discover what you need to know about back pain in your 50s.
Jun 12th, 2019
kinesio taping, International Spine, Pain & Performance Center

Curious About Kinesio Taping? Here's How It Works

Are you struggling with sports injuries or repetitive stress like carpal tunnel syndrome? Or do you have headaches, back pain, or problems with your knees or shoulders? Kinesio® Taping is a painless, drug-free therapy that can provide relief.
Apr 17th, 2019

Beware the Dangers of Tech Neck

If you’re like most Americans, you probably spend 40-plus hours a week hunched over your desk working and upward of 10 hours per week looking down at your phone. Over time, this causes a painful condition known as “tech neck.”
Jul 10th, 2019