5 Important Facts About Tendinitis

5 Important Facts About Tendinitis

Your tendons are thick fibrous cords that connect your muscles to bones, and unfortunately, tendons can become stretched, overused, and damaged. Tendon injuries are common sports injuries, affecting 30% of runners, 14% of volleyball players, and 12% of basketball players. If these tendons become inflamed, it can cause a painful condition called tendinitis. 

You might not think much about your tendons until tendinitis keeps you from your favorite activities, but it’s crucial to know that tendinitis can be treated. Our team of providers highlights five important facts about tendinitis. 

1. Tendonitis isn’t just for athletes 

Tendinitis is a common sports injury, but it isn’t limited to athletes. Any activity that overuses or damages your tendons can lead to tendonitis. Participating in basketball, baseball, golf, bowling, running, swimming, or tennis can increase your risk of tendonitis. Depending on the tendon that’s affected, your tendonitis might be called a golfer’s elbow or tennis elbow. 

But any other repetitive task that strains your tendon can lead to tendonitis. Painters, carpenters, and construction workers are at risk for developing tendonitis if their job requires a lot of overhead reaching, repetitive motion, and forceful exertion. 

2. If tendonitis is untreated, it can lead to tendinosis

Tendonitis is marked by the inflammation and pain caused by microtears in your tendon. If tendonitis persists untreated for weeks, it may progress into tendinosis, a chronic state of tendonitis. Tendonosis involves the degeneration of the collagen in your tendons, which increases your risk of tendon rupture.

3. Early treatment helps you avoid surgery

If untreated tendonitis leads to tendinosis and tendon ruptures, you may need surgery to repair your tendon. Seeking medical intervention for tendonitis as early as possible helps you avoid the potential complications of tendinosis. 

4. Tendonitis is treatable

Perhaps the most crucial fact about tendonitis is that it’s treatable. The goal of tendonitis treatment is to reduce pain and inflammation, which can be achieved through conservative treatments such as:

Our team here at International Spine, Pain & Performance Center offers a variety of interventional therapies to help you find relief from tendonitis, including platelet-rich plasma injections. Studies show that PRP injections significantly reduce pain and improve the functionality of the injured area. PRP stimulates your body’s natural healing response and promotes the growth of new, healthy tissues.

5. You can prevent future tendinitis 

If you’ve ever experienced tendonitis, you’re probably eager to avoid a repeat performance. Luckily, there are many strategies you can take to reduce your risk of developing tendonitis. 

These strategies include:

Consider strength training so that your muscles (not your tendons) take on some of the impact when participating in sports.

Do you have the telltale signs of tendonitis?

Tendonitis can develop in any of your tendons, but it’s most common in your shoulder, elbow, wrist, heel, and knees. You might suspect you have tendonitis if:

Don’t wait until your symptoms get worse if you spot these signs. Book an appointment at our Arlington, Virginia, or Washington D.C office today. 

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